The Multi-Family Office: Depth & Breadth

We specialize in helping families with complex financial situations that require deep experience and broad expertise. Many of our clients are business owners who need multi-generational planning services to deal with challenges both within their business and in managing their family wealth. When families and wealth reach a level of complexity, the impact of decisions is amplified. In these situations, a Family Office can be of great benefit, but maintaining a staff of advisors, accountants, attorneys, and managers to work solely for a single family is often impractical. Our Multi Family Office fills this gap.

We coordinate with the family’s external advisors and provide internal advisors, accountants, and attorneys. This structure is focused on providing families with comprehensive organization, allowing for decisions to be made in light of all aspects of the family’s position. Without such a comprehensive approach, opportunities and perils that could be anticipated often go unaddressed.

Our services can be broadly organized into Wealth Management and Family Office Services. While some clients currently only have need of our Wealth Management services, they also benefit from our depth of resources and our focus on providing comprehensive solutions. We provide a framework to approach financial needs in aggregate rather than in isolation. As a multi-family office, we provide a great depth of services, which allows our clients to stay on top of their entire financial situation, no matter how great the complexity.